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Zoom Meeting with Caltrans Engineers

In this educational meeting with Engineers Ryan and Willie from Caltrans, we learned a lot about the different types of versions of engineering and what they do. Mechanical, Civil, and Electrical are the three main types of engineers. Mechanical engineers work on manufacturing and programming. Civil Engineering works in all aspects of planning, designing, and constructing or repairing. Electrical engineering works in fields that include devices and systems. 

Caltrans (California Department of Transportation)  works to maintain, improve, and expand California’s transportation infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and highways. Their focus is on ensuring safety, managing traffic, reducing environmental impact, and planning for the state’s transportation needs. They collaborate with various stakeholders to achieve these goals.

Our team also learned about how important teamwork can be in every stage of your life. Whether you’re a child in elementary school working on an art project, or an adult working with their employees in an expensive, important project, the amount of teamwork someone puts in leads to the result of excellence.

Thank you, Ryan and Willie for leading us into the fantasy of the engineering world!